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Driver CPC Course – Safety, Security & First Aid Awareness

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£45.00 incl VAT

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Every Tuesday on Zoom

Online Health & Safety Driver CPC course. This course looks at the key pieces of H&S legislation and the Drivers’ responsibilities.

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7 Hour Driver CPC Course

(JAUPT Course ref; ICRS001135/2386)

This Online Health & Safety Driver CPC Course is written by an experienced Transport Manager, Health & Safety Adviser and qualified Dangerous Goods Safety Adviser.

Training uploaded /registered with DVSA same day (subject to their IT issues)

The course is made up of 3 distinct sections covering safety-related topics that are relative to a driver’s role.

Health & Safety CPC

This Online Health & Safety Driver CPC course aims to give an informal but detailed explanation of UK Health & Safety law. The course covers the following key pieces of H&S legislation and highlights the responsibilities for drivers and their employers under law – The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974, Management of Health & Safety Regulations 1999, ADR, COSHH, LOLER, Working at Height, RIDDOR.

Drivers will also receive an explanation of how the rules are enforced and conduct an interactive section explaining the Risk Assessment process and how hazards might be best controlled. Yes, it’s pretty heavy legislation, but gaining an understanding can ensure that Drivers are not accepting undue liability at work. As always, delivered in a relaxed and friendly manner.

Security CPC

In the afternoon of the course, there is an update on security threats, including a look at the latest reports from NAVCIS. HGVs have been consistently targeted by thieves for many years. It’s a well-established problem and Drivers may find themselves in vulnerable situations. Gaining an understanding of these threats and raising awareness of the latest trends can ensure that Drivers are better protected. We don’t just tell tall tales here, we use several resources to give candidates an accurate perception, including the latest reports from NAVCIS.

First Aid Awareness CPC

The course culminates in a highly informative First Aid awareness session. This course is only delivered by qualified first aid instructors and candidates will receive an overview of the principles of emergency first aid, and how to deal with some more common injuries and illnesses. For those who would like to cover first aid in more detail, our one day Emergency First Aid at Work course is also approved for 7 hours of CPC!

The course is a live presentation from an experienced instructor and is delivered remotely on ZOOM. You only need very limited technical ability to be able to attend! Don’t worry if you’re not good with computers! It’s as simple as making a phone call and each course begins with a short tutorial on how Zoom works. Candidates will need a Tablet or laptop with a working camera (phones can be used if necessary but not recommended) and a stable internet connection.

You can book a course on the main calendar.

You can check our accreditation on the DVSA website here.

dvsa approved health and safety cpc